Monday, January 6, 2014

Shopping Gluten Free Flour for a Gluten Free Diet

Gluten Free Recipes
Photo by Jodi from { }

When you begin shopping Gluten Free, it may be difficult if you go in without any ideas on brands or types of foods that are suitable for a gluten free diet. There are already many different store bought brands that you should become familiar with as they are trusted and reliable when it comes to their products. The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to be well informed on which brands are the best for your lifestyle.

A great white flour substitute to use in gluten free recipes is Bob's Red Mill Brown Rice Flour. This flour is made entirely of brown rice but does't leave any undesirable tastes behind. Brown rice flour works great with many different types of recipes from sweets & pastries, sauces & stews, or even breakfast pancakes (as shown above). It contains a healthy bran and may add a darker color to most baked goods. The Bob's Red Mill gluten free flour is truly a versatile flour to work with and makes baking a much easier process to those on a gluten free diet. There are more gluten free recipes using this flour on the Bob's Red Mill website as well!

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